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Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council

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The SSAC: Investing in our Future . . .

The Superintendent's Student Advisory Council (SSAC) comprises student representatives from each high school in the district. The council's goal is to create meaningful dialogue between students and the Superintendent, providing a platform for them to share their views and perspectives. Members of the SSAC are tasked with advocating for all students.

About the SSAC . . .

Students in grades 10-12 are eligible to become members and must be willing to serve on their school's leadership council. Those participating in the SSAC will facilitate communication between their school and the district.


The SSAC aims to gather feedback from the Superintendent and senior staff members on how the District can enhance students' experiences in our schools. It also serves as a platform for two-way communication between the Superintendent and the students.

Members' Role . . . 

We define our role as members to include:

  • Communicate honestly, openly, and directly with the Superintendent and other administrators
  • Encourage student engagement throughout their school
  • Quality education for every student
  • Welcoming inclusive, non-threatening school culture
  • Work collaboratively to help create a student culture of mutual respect
  • Provide feedback for improving the high school experience for all students

Five Guiding Anchors of the SSAC:

  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue by sharing students’ views and perspectives with school leaders, administration, and the school board.
  • Creating an atmosphere where students are valued for honest and focused feedback.
  • Empowering our youth with the tools, knowledge, and experience needed to be successful leaders.
  • Providing students with a sense of trust and belonging by changing the culture of their respective schools.
  • Sharing ideas to promote equity among all high schools in the district.

Structure and Alignment:

The SSAC consists of students from each MPS high school. It is led by elected officers nominated and selected by the membership. Students are selected to achieve academic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity among members. The alumni and student engagement associate will serve as the SSAC advisor.

Superintendent's Luncheons:

The Superintendent meets with students at their schools to have an informal conversation about how to improve the culture and climate. SSAC members host the event, selecting 10-12 of their peers to join them. This small group format allows Dr. Posley to learn more about the needs of each school. The process also allows students to organize, manage, and demonstrate leadership skills. During these luncheons, Dr. Posley ensures that all schools are working with their Student Council representatives to give students a voice at their school, providing clear and direct communication from the student council to the SSAC, Dr. Posley, and the MPS School Board.

"Honor Cords are given to graduating students who have shown unwavering commitment to serving as ambassadors for Milwaukee Public Schools. These graduates represent student voices for their schools and act as a bridge between their schools and the superintendent."  



2022-2023 Restructuring of Communication Model and Implementation of the Student Voice Assembly (SVA)

In 2019, members of the Student Safety Advisory Committee (SSAC) from Audubon High School led a student cohort to revamp the communication process for the Student Government across the district. Over the following years, the SSAC continued developing a plan to improve the communication process between students and school leaders. This project aimed to create a system that amplifies student voices from all high schools. Under the guidance of school leadership, each high school will have a single central student government, known as the Student Voice Assembly (SVA), where students will discuss their feedback and perspectives on issues that affect their schools. Students will collaborate on issues such as mental health and equity. A small group of ambassadors from each SVA will participate in the SSAC and attend its monthly meetings, creating a direct line of communication for each school to the Superintendent.

Guiding principles include:

  • Bilateral communication between schools and the district
  • Encourage affinity groups to participate
  • Create equity between all high schools




Frequently Asked Questions

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  How do I apply to be a member of the SSAC?

The right side of this web page has a link to the application for the 2024- '25 school year. Print and complete the form, then forward it to MPS Central Office at 5225 W Vliet Street, Room 131, Milwaukee, WI 53208, or scan it and email it to Directions for sending the application are located on the last page. Note that all school principals have applications available.

  Is busing included to get to Central Office?

If you normally receive transportation to and from your school, you are eligible to receive transportation from your school to Central Office for the meetings, and then to your home address after the meeting.

  What are the criteria to be a member of the SSAC?

Application Guidelines

  1. Willingness to collaborate with peers

  2. Skills demonstrated in problem-solving, creative thinking, initiative, flexibility and a desire to inspire positive change

  3. Skills exhibited in communication and presentation.

  4. Attend monthly meetings at MPS Central Office

  5. Ability to balance coursework with extra-curricular and community activities

  When and where are the meetings?

Students are scheduled to arrive between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM. We will provide dinner while students mingle/network until 4:30 PM.  The business meeting is scheduled to begin at 4:30 PM and adjourns at 6:30 PM. 

*Meetings are held at MPS District Office, 5225 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208


  What exactly do we do at the meetings?

Meeting agendas vary.  Agendas are created each month so students are able to tackle issues and concerns within the MPS community. SSAC student elected officers assist with setting the monthly agendas. 


Student Engagement Associate:
David Valdés

Phone: 414-475-8633

Customer Service

Phone: 414-475-8285

Department of Strategic Partnerships and Customer Service

SSAC Meetings

September 26, 2024
Central Office - Room 206/208
Returning member "Huddle"

October 31, 2024
Central Office - Room 206/208
Add new members to the group

November 21, 2024
Central Office - Room 206/208

January 30, 2025
Central Office - Room 206/208

February 27, 2025
Central Office - Room 206/208

March 27, 2025
Central Office - Room 206/208

April 24, 2025
Central Office - Room 206/208

May 29, 2025
Central Office - Room 206/208

Officer Huddles: dates to be announced.  Officer Huddles are planning sessions for all officers of the SSAC.

*All meetings will be at Central Office each month. Transportation will be provided. 

Interested in being a member?


Promo Video:

Join us by applying. Click here to access the application for 2024-2025

For a glimpse at the SSAC "Review 2021-22"

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