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Promoting Excellence in Teaching

Promoting Excellence in Teaching

MPS teacher in classroomMPS is reshaping its approach to educator effectiveness. “We know that teacher quality translates into higher student achievement,” says Marybeth Sandvig, Executive Director of the Organizational Development Office. “We are placing emphasis on the variables we can control: leadership and teacher quality.”

Teachers are the single-most critical factor impacting student achievement. Research shows that a teacher can have a much greater the impact on student performance on reading and math tests than any other school-related factor. 

MPS is working to improve the district’s teacher evaluation system. For the past two years, MPS has been working with the Milwaukee Teacher’s Education Association to develop a broad-based program that is aligned with student learning and development while incorporating a system for evaluating educators and providing feedback on performance.

MFIS ClassroomMPS is using the widely-known Danielson Framework for Teaching to implement the Educator Effectiveness System. The Framework for Teaching is a research-based set of teaching components clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility: planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibilities.

This comprehensive evaluation process is managed through Teachscape, an electronic platform used in conjunction with the Danielson model. Teachscape provides educators with observation and evaluation training, professional development and a well-defined process for talent management.

MPS school leaders play a crucial role in the implementation of the Educator Effectiveness System. All MPS principals and assistant principals have completed or will complete rigorous online training to become certified evaluators. This is a critical step as principals, administrators and teachers move forward together to improve student outcomes. 

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