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Milwaukee Public Schools Logo: High-quality school options for 3-year-olds to high school seniors
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Child Find

Pursuant to federal and state law, MPS identifies, locates, and evaluates all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, who are in need of special education and related services, including children attending private schools, children who are not yet three years of age, highly mobile children such as migrant and homeless children, and children who are suspected of being a student with a disability even though they are advancing from grade to grade.

District employees have an obligation to use referral procedures when a student is suspected of having a disability. MPS also recognizes that federal and state laws obligate community-based health care providers and others involved in the care and treatment of children to refer children suspected of having a disability. While such individuals do not have to obtain the authorization from the parent to make such a referral, notification of intent to refer must be given to the parent by the person making the referral.

MPS also identifies, locates, and evaluates all private-school children with disabilities who attend school within the corporate boundaries of the city of Milwaukee. The activities undertaken to carry out this responsibility for private-school children with disabilities are comparable to activities undertaken for children with disabilities in MPS. MPS consults with appropriate representatives of private-school children with disabilities on how to locate, identify, and evaluate private-school children with disabilities.

MPS is also responsible for providing outreach activities and screening to identify children suspected of having a disability and in need of special education services. School-based staff members and the MPS Child Find office must assist parents and community personnel in referring children.


Child Find Office

Phone: 414-874-8493
Fax: 414-438-3615

Specialized Services Supervisor:

Joan Laurence

Specialized Services Regional Manager:

Teresa Wozniak

© Milwaukee Public Schools 2024
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