Some common milestones for this age group:
- They string vowels together when babbling ("ah," "eh," "oh") and enjoy taking turns with the parent while making sounds.
- They respond to their own name.
- They make sounds to show joy and displeasure.
- They begin to say consonant sounds (jabbering with "m," "b").
- They understand "no."
- They make a lot of different sounds such as "mamamama" and "babababa."
Typically a baby will play with sounds that sound like words, such as "baba" or "dada." Or a baby smiles on hearing a happy voice and cries or looks unhappy on hearing an angry voice.
You can help your baby understand words (even if she can't say them yet) when you do any of these things:
- Play games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. Help her move her hands along with the rhyme.
- Give him a toy and say something about it such as "Feel how fuzzy Teddy Bear is."
- Let her see herself in a mirror and ask, "Who's that?" If she doesn't respond, say her name.
- Ask your baby questions such as "Where's doggie?" If he doesn't answer, show him where.