Students enrolled in the MPS GEDO #2 program are required to complete one of the following:
- 50 hours of community service (25 hours each semester) or
- 25 hours of community service and 25 hours of paid employment
Why community service?
Students who participate in thoughtfully designed community service experiences are more likely to do well in school, graduate, vote, and become responsible citizens.
When young people use their talents and skills to better their communities, they also help themselves. Youth volunteers can increase self-confidence, learn new skills, explore career options, build a resume, support causes they care about, meet new people, and have fun!
What qualifies as community service?
To meet the MPS graduation requirement,
- service hours must take place outside of academic class time,
- service must be completed through a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or government agency (for example, school district, library, police department),
- service must be completed under the supervision of an adult at the organization,
- service may not be part of a criminal justice sanction,
- you cannot be paid for your service.
How do I complete the requirement?
The Student Guide to Community Service for GEDO #2 contains a Student To-Do List along with all necessary permission and tracking forms. It also contains suggestions for finding a community service experience that's right for you.
Your GEDO #2 instructor will assist you throughout the process of completing this requirement.