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Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP)

staff checking in with studentsFunctional behavior assessment (FBA) is a process for identifying (a) observable problem behaviors, (b) the contexts or routines where the problem behaviors are most likely, (c) the specific antecedent events within a context or routine that reliably predict occurrence of problem behaviors, and (d) the consequences that appear to maintain the problem behavior.

A functional behavior assessment should result in the following.

Operational definition(s) of problem behavior(s):

  • Identification of the contexts (locations, activities, routines, times of day, people) where the problem behavior(s) is most likely and least likely
  • Identification of the specific antecedent events (setting events and discriminative stimuli) most likely to predict (occasion) the identified problem behavior(s)
  • Identification of the consequence(s) that maintain (reinforce) the problem behavior

Functional behavior assessment is a process for identifying problem behaviors and the events that prompt and maintain problem behaviors.

The reason for conducting an FBA is to gather information that will help make behavior intervention plans more effective and efficient.

Regardless of the process for gathering information, the FBA should result in one or more summary statements that define

  • the context/routines where problem behavior is most and least likely,
  • observational descriptions of problem behavior,
  • specific events that predict occurrence of problem behavior, and
  • consequences that reinforce (maintain) problem behavior.

A behavior intervention plan (BIP) defines how an educational setting will be changed to improve the behavioral success of one or more students.

  • The BIP describes how the environment will be changed to prevent occurrences of problem behavior.
  • The BIP describes the teaching that will occur to give the student alternative ways of behaving.
  • The BIP describes the consequences that will be provided to (a) encourage positive behavior, (b) limit inadvertent reward of problem behavior, and (c), where appropriate, discourage the problem.

Elements of the Behavior Intervention Plan

Prevention strategies:

  • Descriptions of how the context will be changed to prevent or minimize problem behavior

Teaching strategies:

  • Instructional objectives to build skills so the student has alternatives to problem behaviors

Consequence strategies:

  • Strategies for preventing inadvertent reward of problem behavior
  • Strategies for increasing reinforcement of desired behaviors
  • When appropriate, strategies for punishing problem behavior

Safety strategies:

  • Procedures for responding safely and effectively when extreme problem behaviors occur

Monitoring strategies:

  • Procedures for ongoing assessment if (a) the BIP is being implemented correctly, and (b) implementation is resulting in benefits for the student
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  Step 1 - Identifying and Defining Challenging Behavior for Intervention


FACTS Interview Form

FBA Family-Directed Interview (English) (Spanish)

Student-Directed Interview (English) (Spanish)

FBA-BIP Passive Consent (English) (Spanish)


Problem Behavior Questionnaire

Record Review Note-Taking

  Step 2 - Gathering Data to Form a Hypothesis


Observations in a Variety of Settings

FBA Observations Information from DPI


ABC Chart

Scatter Plot

Setting Event Checklist

Data Collection with Examples

ABC Behavior Chart

Classroom Observation Grid

ABC Daily Behavior Diary

Interval Recording Form

Soprislearning (Reproducible observation tools from Functional Assessments by Joseph C. Witt, Edward J. Daly III, and George H. Noell. Please contact Sopris West with questions at 800-547-6747.) 

  Step 3 - Complete the Competing Behavior Pathway (FBA/BIP Template)


Behavior Pathway (Word Document)

BIP Template (Word Document)

FBA/BIP Template with Explanations


Forced Choice Reinforcement Menu

Strickland Cheat Sheet

Three-Pathway Function-Based Summary

ibestt- Integrating Behavior Support and Team Technology (resource with strategies for classrooms and individual-students based on specific function and plan component (antecedent, teaching, consequence) 

  Progress Monitoring
  Crisis Plans

Implementing behavior interventions at Tiers 2 and 3 sometimes requires staff to ensure that there is a plan in place for addressing crisis behaviors with students while ensuring safety and dignity for all. Administrators, the building intervention team, and support staff planning and implementing behavior interventions may use the Student Safety/Crisis Plan template below to create an individualized crisis/safety plan.

This plan may be incorporated in the student action plan for Educational Wraparound or youth action group plan for RENEW. The behavior assessment intervention plan (BAIP) can also be supported with a crisis/safety plan. A plan can also be created to provide support to student and staff during the assessment phases of the FBA/BIP, RENEW, or wraparound.

Creating Crisis/Safety Plans is a PowerPoint that reviews the suggested procedures.  Please feel free to use it for professional development.

Tier 3 Support Contacts


Jane Audette

School Social Worker

Phone: 414-475-8117



Shashina Robinson

School Psychologist

Phone: 414-475-8118



Angie Lucas Foley

School Psychologist

Phone: 414-475-8118



Natalie M. Collins, Ph.D
Director of Assessment and Data
Phone: 414-475-8011


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