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EL1.a: Set goals and reflect.
EL1.a.1.e: Identify the purpose of and set personal learning goals with guidance from an educator.
EL1.a.2.e: Utilize appropriate digital tools to reflect on the learning process with guidance from an educator.
EL1.b: Build network to support learning.
EL1.b.1.e: Explore and identify digital tools to be used to connect with others to enhance their learning with guidance from an educator.
EL1.c: Create personalized learning environment.
EL1.c.1.e: Identify and explore digital tools that can be used to support personalized learning environment with guidance from an educator.
EL1.d: Seek and utilize feedback.
EL1.d.1.e: Receive performance feedback and make adjustments based on that feedback with guidance from an educator.
EL2.a: Understand and apply functions and operations.
EL2.a.1.e: Explore a variety of digital tools that will support learning.
EL3.a: Transfer knowledge to emerging technology.
EL3.a.1.e: Recognize the patterns in the fundamental operations across a variety of digital tools.
DC1.a: Cultivate and manage digital identity and reputation.
DC1.a.1.e: Recognize how information put online creates a digital footprint and can leave a trail online (digital footprint).
DC1.a.2.e: Relate positive behavior offline to positive behavior online.
DC1.a.3.e: Recognize that online information may not be factual.
DC1.b: Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security.
DC1.b.1.e: Understand the functions of usernames and passwords.
DC1.b.2.e: Recognize how personal information creates your identity.
DC1.b.3.e: Seek trusted adult if a website asks for any personal information, and begin to identify inappropriate content.
DC2.a: Use information, media, and digital resources in a responsible manner.
DC2.a.1.e: Identify guidelines for acceptable use of Internet and other resources.
DC2.b: Respect intellectual property rights.
DC2.b.1.e: Recognize that intellectual property used must be cited.
DC2.c: Recognize the rights and responsibilities of intellectual freedom in a democratic society.
DC2.c.1.e: Demonstrate respectful discourse, and an understanding of the importance of hearing perspectives different from one’s own, with educator guidance.
DC2.c.2.e: Explore what information is appropriate to put online with guidance from an educator.
DC2.c.3.e: Demonstrate respect in social situations.
KC1.a: Plan and employ effective research strategies.
KC1.a.1.e: Utilize knowledge of the alphabet to search and use databases; use basic keyword search techniques to locate information.
KC1.a.2.e: Utilize digital tools and resources, contained within a classroom platform or otherwise provided by the educator, to find information on topics of interest.
KC1.a.3.e: Follow an inquiry-based process by forming simple questions, and begin exploring ways to answer them using print and digital resources.
KC1.b: Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.
KC1.b.1.e: Explore various websites identifying different information and graphics with guidance from an educator.
KC1.b.2.e: Recognize that websites can influence decision making.
KC1.c: Curate information from digital resources.
KC1.c.1.e: Explore a variety of educator-selected, curated content tools to acquire and organize information.
KC2.a: Produce creative artifacts.
KC2.a.1.e: Explore a variety of educator-selected resources, and with assistance, create an artifact that demonstrates connections to their learning.
KC2.b: Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems.
KC2.b.1.e: Build knowledge to connect ideas to your own interests, previous knowledge, and experience.
KC2.b.2.e: With guidance from an educator, students explore real-world issues and problems and share their ideas about them with others.
ID1.a: Find authentic problems in local and global contexts.
ID1.a.1.e: Identify and describe a problem or challenge within the classroom or home environment. Explain why it is a problem.
ID1.b: Exhibit tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance, and the capacity to work with authentic, open-ended problems.
ID1.b.1.e: Demonstrate perseverance when working to complete a challenging task.
ID2.a: Know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, and creating innovative artifacts and solutions.
ID2.a.1.e: Ask questions to seek understanding of an issue or problem and suggest possible solutions.
ID2.b: Select and use digital resources to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
ID2.c: Develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
CT1.a: Identify, define and interpret problems where digital tools can assist in finding solutions.
CT1.a.1.e: Identify a problem and use digital tools to explore and find solutions.
CT1.b: Collect data, then identify and use digital tools to analyze and represent the data to find solutions.
CT1.b.1.e: Utilize age-appropriate digital tools to collect, organize, and represent data.
CT1.c: Break problems into smaller parts, identify key information, and develop descriptive models.
CT1.c.1.e: Separate a simple problem into smaller parts, identify key information, and brainstorm ways to solve the problem.
CC1.a: Choose appropriate platforms and digital tools.
CC1.a.1.e: Use age-appropriate digital tools for producing new creations or published communications with guidance from an educator.
CC1.b: Create or remix digital resources.
CC1.b.1.e: Recognize the differences between original and remixed digital work. Use digital tools, with educator guidance, to create original and remixed work.
CC1.c: Communicate effectively using a variety of digital tools.
CC1.c.1.e: Communicate ideas using a variety of digital tools with educator guidance.
CC2.a: Publish and present content.
CC2.a.1.e: Identify audiences and appropriate communication strategies.
GC1.a: Use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.
GC1.a.1.e: Use digital tools and resources to understand similarities and differences of others in the classroom and beyond.
GC1.b: Contribute constructively on project teams.
GC1.b.1.e: Learn a variety of roles within a team to cooperate.
GC1.c: Contribute to the exchange of ideas within and beyond the learning community.
GC1.c.1.e: Share interests and experiences, with one result being an understanding of different perspectives, with educator guidance.
GC2.a: Use collaborative digital resources to examine issues and problems from diverse local and global perspectives.
GC2.a.1.e: Use pre-selected digital tools to communicate with others and to look at problems from diverse local and global perspectives.
GC2.b: Explore local and global issues and use collaborative digital resources to investigate and develop solutions.
GC2.b.1.e: Use pre-selected digital tools to work together to understand issues and recommend solutions.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction: Phone: 414-475-8179
Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393
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