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Guidelines for Giving Testimony

Public testimony is accepted generally only at meetings of the Board’s committees, except in July, when the Board’s rules allow items to come directly to the Board as regular items of business.

  1. Speaker slips and agendas are available on the long table in front of the doors to the Auditorium.
  2. If you wish to speak to or to express your position on an item on the agenda, please submit a Speaker’s Slip to the Secretary. Please fill the slip out completely, including:
    • The date of the meeting
    • The name of the committee
    • The number of the item on the agenda which you wish to address
    • Your full name
    • Your full address, including city, state, and ZIP code
    • The organization, if any, that you represent
    • Whether or not you wish to speak at the meeting
    • Any brief comments that you might want to record, if you do not wish to speak
    • Whether you support the item, do not support the item, or wish only to present information on the item.
    • When you are called upon to speak, please state your name and spell your last name for the record before you begin your remarks. It is not necessary to give your address.
  3. For the sake of fairness, and to give everyone a chance to speak, the Chair reserves the right to limit the length of time allowed to any one speaker. Usually, speakers will be allowed two minutes to make their points and an additional 30 seconds to wrap up.
  4. In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, all comments, questions, or requests are to be directed to the Chair of the Committee, who will determine the most efficient way to address them.
  5. Testimony may be transmitted to the Board in care of the Office of Board Governance:

The Office of Board Governance
Room 273
Milwaukee Public Schools Central Services Building
5225 W. Vliet Street
P.O. Box 2181
Milwaukee, WI 53201-2181
Telephone: (414) 475-8284
Fax: (414) 475-8021

Agendas for the meetings of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors and its committees may be accessed online at

Office of Board Governance


Phone: 414-475-8284
Fax: 414-475-8071


Director/Board Clerk 
Dr. Tina Owen-Moore 

Assistant Board Clerk 
Jill Kawala

Legislative Policy Manager
Christopher Thiel

Updates from the Milwaukee Board of School Directors

The Office of Board Governance wants to emphasize its commitment to our students, families, staff, and community.
The Board will provide regular updates regarding recent events within Milwaukee Public Schools.

© Milwaukee Public Schools 2024
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