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Meeting Notices, Agendas, and Proceedings/Minutes

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Public Notices

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Publishing Note:  Effective May 1, 2024, notices of meetings of the Board and its committees will be posted on the Friday preceeding the meeting.  



The Board holds its annual Organizational meeting on the fourth Tuesday in April.  Regular meetings of the Board are held on the fourth Thursday of each month, except where in conflict with a holiday or other contingency.  Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President of the Board.  

The committees on Accountability, Finance and Personnel (AFP); on Student Achievement and School Improvement (SASI); and on Parent and Community Engagement (PACE) meet monthly.  The committees on Stratetic Planning and Budget (SPB) and on Legislation, Rules and Policies (LRP) meet at the call of their respective Chairs.  

Learn more about the charge of each committee by clicking it's title.  

Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel (AFP)

Committee on Student Achievement and School Improvement (SASI)

Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies (LRP)

Committee on Parent and Community Engagement (PACE)

Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget (SPB)


Online Agendas

To access the online agendas and attachments to agenda items, please visit our Electronic School Board 


Livestream Broadcasts

Meetings of the Board’s committees will no longer be broadcast on WYMS radio. Instead, they will be live-streamed on the Internet via the district’s website and aired live on the district's YouTube channel.

The regular and special meetings of the full Board will continue to be broadcast on WYMS, as well as streamed on the Internet. Regular meetings of the Board are aired live on Spectrum, channel 13, and on AT&T U-verse, channel 99. Special meetings of the Board may be aired upon request of the Board President.

To access the live stream and YouTube page, please visit the Boardcast page.

You may call the Office of Board Governance at (414) 475-8284 for more information.


Subscribe to Board Notifications

The Office of Board Governance uses the City of Milwaukee's Enotify system to alert subscribers when notices and agendas for meetings of the Board and its committees have been published.  Anyone may subscribe to the system (at no charge) online at

Just follow the instructions on screen. The Milwaukee Board of School Directors is listed under "City Agency Meetings" on the page on which you can sign up for E-notify services. (Note that Milwaukee Public Schools is listed under "News Releases," but this will not get you the School Board notices or agendas.)

When a meeting notice or agenda is published, E-notifiy emails subscribers a link to the agenda and meeting notice.  

DISCLAIMER: The above link is being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, the Office of Board Governance, or the Milwaukee Public Schools of any of the products, services, or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. The Milwaukee Board of School Directors bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Proceedings/Minutes of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors

To access the minutes/proceedings of the Milwaukee Board of Directors online, please visit the proceedings/minutes page.


Recordings of Board and Committee Meetings

When available, digital recordings of the meetings of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors and its Committees are posted on the Recordings of Board and Committee Meetings page.


Office of Board Governance


Phone: 414-475-8284
Fax: 414-475-8071


Director/Board Clerk 
Dr. Tina Owen-Moore 

Assistant Board Clerk 
Jill Kawala

Legislative Policy Manager
Christopher Thiel

© Milwaukee Public Schools 2024
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