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Chief Academic Officer: Jennifer Mims-Howell
The Office of Academics works to ensure that all students in MPS are career and college ready. The office is responsible for all aspects of student academic achievement, including students' social-emotional health and well-being.
Learn more about the programs at MPS
The Office of Academics oversees the district’s academic agenda to provide world-class education for all MPS students. The Office of Academics staff works closely with schools and other departments at MPS to ensure consistent focus on the following areas:
Milwaukee Public Schools is committed to preparing all students for college and careers. High academic expectations — high standards, in other words — are an essential part of that commitment.
Learn more about Academic Expectations in MPS
Milwaukee Public Schools offers diverse learning opportunities that are available for all multilingual and multicultural learners. The cultural and linguistic diversity of the students we serve is one of our greatest assets. We strive to create quality learning environments that respect, reflect, and accommodate diversity.
The Department of College and Career Readiness works to overcome the barriers that students face. Students need "whole child" support to become aware of the pathways to their careers of interest, they must be academically ready to follow those pathways, and they must be prepared with the life skills needed to navigate their chosen pathway. The Department of College and Career Readiness coordinates available resources, including community organizations and postsecondary institutions, to support MPS faculty, families, and students in fostering a college‐going culture. This department includes college and career planning, career and technical education, extended learning opportunities, and school counseling and academic planning.
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction is responsible for support of student learning throughout all academic areas. This department also provides services to support additional student learning needs. The staff in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction work collaboratively with regions and schools to enhance learning experiences for all students. This department includes fine arts and physical education, early childhood education, literacy education, and math and science education.
The Department of Organizational Development and Supports ensures that employees are provided with the training, professional development, and performance evaluation critical to moving the district's work forward to achieve strategic organizational goals. The department ensures that the district prioritizes the most equitable distribution of resources, supports, and opportunities based on greatest need, and it consists of three program areas: educator effectiveness, induction and support, and professional development and professional training.
The Department of Recreation & Community Services strives to promote healthy lifestyles, personal development and fun by offering recreational and educational programs for people of all ages and abilities.
The Department of Specialized Services is committed to supporting the individual needs of all students. The focus of our work is students with disabilities participating and learning in their least-restrictive environment. This includes a provision of behavioral and academic supports while allowing students to participate in the general curriculum with non‐disabled peers based on goals in their individualized education programs (IEP).
Allied Health
School Social Work and Transition Services
Special Education
Non-Conventional Programs
Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393
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District Partners Program