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Results Updated
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors has announced their choice for the next superintendent, who has accepted the position.
MPS will host a Kindergarten Enrollment Fair to help families explore schools and enroll for fall. Enjoy activities and giveaways!
MPS continues to work with the Milwaukee Health Department to ensure the safety of our students and staff as we perform the necessary maintenance related to the findings.
The public will be able to submit comments on the candidates at two community sessions on Thursday, February 6, at Central Services.
MPS winter graduation was held on January 31, 2025, to honor about 170 students. After much hard work and commitment, our new graduates are on their way to higher education, technical school, and the world of work.
Milwaukee Public Schools is committed to accelerating student achievement, cultivating leadership and building stronger, more positive relationships between the city’s youth and adults who can showcase the path to success.
As established by law, The Milwaukee Board of School Directors consists of nine members: one member elected at large, and eight members elected from numbered districts as determined by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors. The regular term of each member is four years and until their successors have been elected and qualified. Legally, school boards are agents of the state, created by the legislature and selected by the electors of the local school district to represent and act for the state in providing the district with educational programs and facilities. The Milwaukee Board of School Directors is the policy-making body for the school system, serving within the framework provided by law, the will of the local citizenry, and the ethics of the education profession.
The Office of the Superintendent works with all the district's major offices, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors and MPS school communities to put systems in place to prepare students for success in higher education, post-educational opportunities, work and citizenship. Office goals include increasing achievement for all students, ensuring effective and efficient operations and encouraging meaningful family and community engagement.
Learn more about Milwaukee Public Schools initiatives and strategic planning.
The Department of Procurement and Risk Management leverages information, technology and strategic sourcing principles to acquire the goods and services needed to provide the highest quality education possible to the children of the City of Milwaukee. The Department of Facilities and Maintenance is responsible for coordinating the bidding of construction, repair and maintenance contracts along with the purchase of construction, repair and maintenance related materials and vehicles. Learn more about doing business with Milwaukee Public Schools.
Every employee will be committed to providing an educational environment that is child-centered, supports achievement, and respects diversity. The district and its schools collaborate with students, families and community for the benefit of all. Everything our District does must converge to result in continually improving our student learning to succeed and prepare them for life after graduation.
Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393
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District Partners Program