To qualify for funding, organizations must:
- Be a registered 501c3
- Identify matching funds of 25% of the requested grant amount. Matching funds can not be provided by MPS
- Provide programming to City of Milwaukee youth outside of the regularly scheduled school day. Programming may take place before or after school, or on weekends. Programming times must comply with the City of Milwaukee curfew of 9:00 p.m.
We welcome a variety of engagement programs including (but not limited to) those that focus on arts, humanities, civic engagement, leadership, sports, violence prevention and youth development
All applications must be completed and submitted via the Survey Monkey apply website by the deadline. To access the application, click here. No paper or alternative formats of the application will be accepted. All required application fields must be completed to be accepted for review.
In mid-December, a Community Review Panel will meet to review and score applications based off of the following criteria:
- Organizational Profile, Demographics & Experience (35%)
- Quality of Proposed Program & Ability to Address Needs (45%)
- Cost and Pricing of Proposed Program (20%)
Applications are then ranked according to their total score and awarded until the grant program's budget allocation is met.
Applicants will be notified via email (to the contact's email address that is listed in the grant application) whether they have or have not been selected for funding.
All awardees will enter a Standard Professional Services Contract, coordinated by the MPS Department of Procurement and Risk Management.