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Samuel Clemens School aspires to be a world-class educational community that honors diversity and promotes high expectations for all students while preparing them to reach their fullest potential. As an MPS GE Foundation Demonstration School, Clemens, together with families and the community, educates each student in a safe and caring environment while preparing them to become responsible citizens. The school is committed to providing a rigorous curriculum aligned to the Common Core State Standards with a support system for all learners to become proficient or advanced. Clemens believes in strong family and school involvement. The school recognizes and respects the diversity of all students and their learning styles. The school believes that every student has the right to a safe, nurturing learning environment. Staff provides every student with learning opportunities to become responsible citizens.
Families can enroll in this school using the online application at
Academic/Social Clubs & Extracurricular Activities
Athletics & Interscholastic Sports
- Basketball (B/G)
- Cheerleading
- Flag Football
- Physical Education
- Track & Field
Before & After School
- Before School Camp
- After School Program
After School Camp
Community Partners
- Bethel A.M.E. Church
- GE
- Johnson Controls
- Junior Achievement
- Tangible Word Ministries
Comprehensive Academic Programs
- Comprehensive Program
- Early Childhood
Fine Arts
- Art
Visual Arts Focus
- Music
Piano, Violin/Strings
- Performing Arts
- GEF Schools
- Signature Schools
Map & Directions
School Administration
PrincipalBryan TerryRegional SuperintendentDr. Carletta NolandSchool Board MemberDarryl JacksonSchool Board District
District # D3School Board Member At-LargeMissy Zombor