Friday, June 14, 2024
Wisconsin Summer EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) is an income-based program that helps families buy food while school is out by providing a benefit of $120 for the summer for each qualifying child. Summer EBT provides food benefits to families with children who cannot access school-based free or reduced-price meals during the summer.
Families: If your household income qualifies, your children can get Summer EBT.
- If you already receive benefits through FoodShare Wisconsin (also known as SNAP), this summer benefit will automatically appear on your card.
- If you are not receiving FoodShare/SNAP benefits, find out if you qualify. You must:
- Be a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant AND
- Your annual household income must fall within program limits. Find the income limit table on the FoodShare Wisconsin webpage at
If you meet the income limits, you can apply for benefits. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services FoodShare page at
If you do not meet income limits for Summer EBT, you might be eligible if your household participates in W-2, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or an income-based Medicaid program. You can apply for these state benefit programs. If you apply and are approved for one of these programs by August 29, 2024, then you will get Summer EBT. To learn more about applying for these state benefits, you can:
- Call the 211 information line
- Visit
- Contact your local or tribal agency
Applications for Summer EBT will close for this summer on August 29, 2024.
Please note: This information is for children who attend an MPS school. If you have another child who goes to a non-MPS school, the steps outlined here might be different. Visit
Getting Summer EBT will not affect other benefits such as access to summer meal programs offered locally. To learn more about meal sites near you, visit or the USDA SUN Meals (Summer Food Service) webpage, or call 211. You can also text FOOD to 304-304.
Receiving Summer EBT will not affect your child’s or family’s immigration status.
Questions about the Summer EBT program?
Visit the Summer EBT webpage to learn more.