Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Students, families, staff, and community members are urged to provide their feedback about an expected budget shortfall for public schools.
Wisconsin public schools are facing budget concerns because of insufficient state funding. Had state funding kept pace with inflation, MPS would have more than $210 million in additional support annually. Also, students with disabilities, who make up 19% of the MPS student population, are significantly underfunded by the state, by at least $50 million annually.
You are invited to watch this 45-second video for more information.
After watching the video, you are invited to take this survey. Your input will be shared with the Milwaukee Board of School Directors.
(Click chart to enlarge)
MPS has been taking proactive measures to evaluate and address these challenges through the dedicated efforts of our budget team, projects identified in our strategic plan, and advocacy to our state and local legislators and families. Last week, the district invited staff, families, and community members to Budget Action Sessions to learn about the budget shortfall and to begin collecting feedback. For those who couldn’t attend those meetings, please share your feedback via survey or through email.
Watch: Budget Shortfall Video
Watch: Budget Action Session Virtual Recording
Download: Budget Action Session PPT Slide Deck
If you have questions, please email MPS will use the questions as the basis of an FAQ we will share on this page.